Monday 15 May 2017

WannaCry Ransomware

As you've likely heard, WannaCry is a new ransomware variant that takes advantage of a vulnerability in the Windows operating system (MS17-010) to encrypt the infected computer’s data and hold it hostage until a ransom is paid.
More than 4,000 educational organisations were among the 30,000 ‘institutions' to have been paralysed by the global cyberattack, which is known as Wanna Decryptor ransomware, or WannaCry, Qihu 360, an anti-virus software firm said. 

Currently the hackers demand a ransom of  not less than US $.300 which increases after every 24 hours upon failure of payment.

What is ransomware?Malicious software that locks a device, such as a computer, tablet or smartphone and then demands a ransom to unlock it.It can lock the device or data contained in the device.

How does it affect a computer?The software is normally contained within an attachment to an email that masquerades as something innocent. Once opened it encrypts the hard drive, making it impossible to access or retrieve anything stored on there – such as photographs, documents or music.

Microsoft slammed the US spy agency that had originally developed software that allowed the ransomware attack to infect computers. The "Eternal Blue" tool developed by the National Security Agency had been dumped onto the public internet by a hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers. 

So far Microsoft released a patch over the weekend for the Eternal Blue vulnerability that defends against it even with older versions of Windows.

Since simple unplug your computer from the network might render you jobless today or for the week while waiting on solution, people must then be able to identify malicious emails and avoid opening them at all cost. 
I can't insist more on the importance of organizations having secure data backup.For those who have never considered cyber crime as a major issue you can start Firewall Hardening today and test if you have an effective Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.(IDS and IPS).

 Well I'll be attending Webcast AlienVault Labs Security discussion on technological and policy aspect of identifying vulnerability and exploits and will get to you on more about WannaCry Ransomware,but remember if your data gets locked I swear you wanna cry.

Cavin Ouma,


I currently rank 175k a drop from the 145k rank on Gameweek 25. I owe my drop to captaining Aguero who gave me a return of 4 versus 28 by ...